Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Relationship Trap: "Let's Talk"

Submitted By: Margaret Paul, Ph.D
"Let's talk tonight," said Callie.
(RelationsHips)"Oh no, not again!" thought (RelationshiPs)Darren as he gave Callie a blank stare, feeling like a deer in the headlights.(Relationships)
Darren knew from past experience that "Let's talk," meant, "Let's talking about what you are doing wrong, and about how you are not meeting my needs, and about how hurt and unloved I feel."

It was not that Darren was a closed man - far from it. He would have loved to talk with Callie about her own learning experiences and about his.He would have loved to talk if he felt her openness and caring about herself and him.But he hated talking with her when he knew that her focus was to get him to validate her and make her feel secure. And he knew from the tone in her voice that she was feeling abandoned due to her own self-abandonment and she was projecting this abandonment onto him.
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READ MORE - The Relationship Trap: "Let's Talk"