Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to Make Her to Think of You?

Submitted By: Charles King104
Men are different from women in their actions and thoughts Therefore, men and women will be different when it comes to flirting. Men expect certain outcome when flirting, but women may expect other outcome. But, if you ignore the outcome you may have and just flirt to know more women and play along with them, you are exposing to more opportunities. Who knows, you may gotten a woman

who loves you, or if things don't go well, you can still be good friends, and she can introduce other good girls to you. Just be open and remain friendly if the girl rejects your love.

It is good to exchange glances with her in the room and give a friendly smile. Walk up to her with a drink. If she is about to take the drink, tell her, "Do not think that just because you are beautiful , you will get special treatment from me." You are trying to be cocky and funny. See what her reactions are . If she feels offended, offer her the drink and say, "For what I know about lovely girl , she is not petty and has a big heart ." Smile after saying and put the drink into her hand . Then move away, and look back again so that she can know you like her .

If woman invites you to her table , you need to concentrate on the conversation with her, and do not rush to ask her for a date. She wishes know your character before deciding to go on date with you. Get to know her as much as possible. What she likes and dislikes, and her personality. Do your best to let her know about you , but never mention about yourself unless she wants to know . You want to focus on her to show you really want to know her. Then you will get the chance to date her.

When comes to complimenting a woman, make sure it is a sincere and genuine one, and be different in your praise . You want to be different , so she can remember you. If you just say, "You look so attractive", will she remember that you are the one saying that? I believe she must have heard that many times. Be creative and say it in a different way , like "I thought a beautiful fairy tooth has appeared before me to take my tooth. I am more than willing to let you take, since you are a beautiful fairy."

Women love men to praise their appearance , so do it differently and so she can remember you .

Beware if you want to put your hands on a woman you just meet. If she is liberal, then you are safe, otherwise some women are horrified by men putting hands on them. It could due to some bad experience . If you want to put hands on the girl you just met, play games with her that involve physical touch, like palm reading.

Kino is a good method to flirt with her, but restrict to her hands and arms. You do not want to offend her. See how she reacts when you are touching her, does she withdraw or has any indications of being offended?

Always respect the girls you meet, and treat them with respect even when you are flirting with them. Women want men to respect them, do it and they will like you. Flirting is an excellent way for how to get girlfriend.
READ MORE - How to Make Her to Think of You?

Places to Approach Women

Submitted By: Charles King104
Getting a girlfriend is not a tough job like most men think, and how to get girlfriend is easy if you know where to find the type of woman you like. You would probably ask how to get girlfriend. First, you need to know where to meet women or girls. There is, of course, the singles scene out in the bars and clubs all over town but I don’t recommend that one. It is not that just bad

girls go to bars; it’s that it is hard to tell the good ones from the bad one.

Some of your colleagues are women too, but it is not a good suggestion to date your female colleagues The problem with that is that, if she does not like you and turn you down, you will sooner or later have to work together and both of you might feel uncomfortable seeing each other at work.

You have friends who can introduce women that you do not know, like their sisters, cousins, friends, etc. Ask them to bring in you to them. But, big brother, do avoid blind dates. Those things seldom ever work out well and you can spend a lot of money for a very uncomfortable evening.

The places I would recommend you to meet women that you might actually want to date are at clubs and organizations that you blend in to. You will already have similar interest with them and will have had the chance to see them interact with other masses and that tells you a lot about a person. If you are not already involved with any clubs or organizations the, for heaven sakes, join some. Find ones that are all about something you are concerned in. There are clubs and organizations that cover just about anything you can think of from astronomy to zoology and single women are involved in all of them.

Christian church is an excellent place to meet women. If you cannot find the type of women you want to date in the current church you are going , attend other churches until you find one where there are single women. The church itself will provide you with an opportunity to get to know the woman before you ask her for a date. You will be a lot more comfortable and so will she.

Get involved in civic organizations. Women love men who are civic minded. They admire men who are unforced to “give back”. And what about political campaigns? You will meet a lot of young women who are passionate about politics.

If nothing works out for you , join a good online dating service. You will meet a lot of eligible women or girls. You can read their profiles and see pictures of them. After you get to know one well enough to ask her for a face-to-face meeting, be sure that you plan the meeting during daylight hours and in a public place.
READ MORE - Places to Approach Women